9/11 and the twin flames

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9/11 & The Twin Flame

9/11 Twin Flame Update

For those who are new on the spiritual path, you may not understand that secret societies and occultists around the world have always been working with archaic beings since the dawn of time.

The ancient story of the twin flame souls who are extremely ancient and light bearers of the new earth, have been long attacked by the dark forces due to the extreme light and power that the twin flames have and being to the earth. It is the twin flames who are united in 5D and beyond, with fully activated DNA, that will be bringing to earth, the higher codes for the salvation of the earth and humanity. Twin flames like Yeshua and Mary Magdeline are now multiplied and amplifying the earths global ascension process now.

9/11 the event that occurred in the USA over 20 years ago, was a direct ritualistic loosh , that was also orchestrated to symbolize the destruction of the twin flames (twin towers). It was a harvesting ritual and a direct attack.

But the dark forces do not understand the soul, so they didn’t realize that this assault actually had the opposite effect and caused many twin flames to begin to awaken.
The symbolism of 9/11 can be taken from either a negative or positive polarity. But the truth is, it os a reminder for the twin flame towers to rise up out of the ashes and to stand together always.

The dark magicians have many ways of trying to separate the twin flames (not just on the physical world). They work often in the 4D realm also to rear the lovers apart. They create mass suffering for the twin flames in the human world also, targeting them with energy weapons, physical assaults, keeping them struggling financially and many other attempts to keep their frequency down so they cannot unite and fulfill their mission.

But what is destiny, they cannot stop. No matter how much they try.

On this day, work inside your own soul to harmonize the love for your own soul and for your beloved. And hold onto the love within. It is there, that they cannot touch you.

Twin Flame & Ascension Guide


Copyright: Ellen Redd (all copyrights reserved)

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Spiritual Teacher & International Renowned Psychic Medium Ellen Redd