Twin Flame Soul Mission

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Twin Flame Soul Mission:

The celestial Twin Flames who have been granted acces into the heavens, have been given sacred codes in which they achieved through many lifetimes of earth lessons.

They develop all of the keys 🔑🗝🔑🗝 necessary to have entered the kingdom of heaven. It is the keys 🔐 That were needed to come into union, not only with themselves but with God and each other. These heroes, who have graduated the earths paradigm and ascended masters who have traveled beyond the time matrix are now the galactic guides of the universes.

Once they are restored in the holy order of the higher dimensions, they are given the mystery school teachings and given specific missions (all different for each pair), and they are sent back to earth with their own divine signature blueprint to anchor in specific codes for other soul groups. ✨✨✨This is occurring on earth NOW!!

These beloved Galactic Heroes of light are also, here to lead the way into the evolution of a BRAND NEW genetic species of HUman BEings 👁🧬☦️💎 of which will change the game on Earth 🌎 forever!!!

The celestial heroes of the galexies, are the first of all beings to have completed the earth mission , to descend into complete darkness and to still return to source. They are granted all of the promises of heaven, including eternal life. They are given super powers, and are able to perform miracles. Many of which you will see through their own transformation as they shift beyond the old version of their selves into an ascended being.

Don’t mistake these heroes for perfect Humans. Perfection is not even a reality, except for in the heavenly realms. The earths dimension is a playground for far less than perfect events. So these angels come in with battle wounds and scars, with thick skin, and with sharp swords. But what they do have perfect, is the map to heaven. Don’t be confused about that. These are the only souls who have truly decoded the mystery schools teachings and woven heavens promises into the HUman world. THESE are the graduates. The Twin Flame Initiates the miracle workers of your modern day times.

~Ellen Redd/Twin Flame Oracle

Gratitude to the artist unknown


Spiritual Teacher & International Renowned Psychic Medium Ellen Redd