Twin Flame Galactic Story

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Twin Flame Galactic Story:

Beloved HU-Manity ,

It is my honor to speak with you today, about an ancient story pertaining to some of the most advanced souls from another galaxy, who are now here on earth, (some of them) , and who also work with some of the twin flame collectives.

The guardian alliance is a specific group of souls from many other galexies that witnessed the future of humanity, and saw the fall systems that were preventing humanity to come out of its amnesia on time to align with their mission and before the destruction of the planetary grids .

These extrordinary souls took form on earth, and came on to awaken the sleep walkers on earth, to assist in the great Amenti rescue mission.

Many of these collectives came in sets with gender twin partners, to assist them on this extrordinary mission to save the planet and her inhabitants from the dark predator beings that entered against divine will and began to create inverted structures in the earth plane and to the souls of humanity.

These predator beings, even created and sought after the twin flame collectives to prevent them from joining, as the power , light frequency, and portals to heaven through the temples they are married in are so sacred and directly connected to GOD. The dark operatives wanted to stop this from occurring because it can actually cause a whole new advanced civilization that is beyond most of humanoties wildest dreams.

The galactic twin flames who are part of the higher civilizations beyond earth reality have anchored into human bodies now and are loaded with supernatural abilities.

Take heart in knowing that your planet is now under the protection of the guardian alliance of light. That angelic / galactic beings who serve the light have taken control and are working endlessly to ensure the peace and prosperity of the future civilizations on planet earth. The galactic twin flames who are holding the higher dna combinations are weaving the frequencies of the crystal field onto the earth for others to recieve higher activations. If you are resonant with this message it is likely a sign that you may be part of the galactic alliance of light on earth now.

Understand this… the time now, it critical. Don’t wait any longer to step into your knowingness. There is a massive transformation underway now and the more souls that are ready to accept the calling, the faster the turn around will be.

If you do not know what your role is, if you are part of these collectives, what galactic race/ tribes you belong to, feel free to consider a galactic/Akashic reading to retrieve some of your galactic records.

If you are not sure who or if you have a twin flame, that is ok. Everything will divinely align as you continue to retrieve your soul memories that have been wiped from your consciousness for eons of time.

Ellen Redd/Melkizadek priestess
Twin flame and Galactic Ambassador

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Spiritual Teacher & International Renowned Psychic Medium Ellen Redd