Cosmic Dance of Duality

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The dance of the dualities:

In the dawn of time, the gender twins were created as two aspects of the one soul. They were given polarity gifts and weaknesss to balance one another. This was the divine design.

This law of gender and its secret mysteries have been woven throughout the universe in every aspect of every living thing.

The living library of divine codes that is woven into the fabric of reality has been under heavy attack by extremely nepharious forces. Threatening the divine blueprint of all that is creation. This has all been orchestrated partially to separate the twin flames , as they are the key to the entire human experience.

Decoding the ancient cosmic mysteries requires the adepts to first merge in the highest realms so that they can unlock cosmic portals that take them into superhuman capacities.

You can see how this would threaten those who wish to enslave you? Can it be possible that in the garden of eden , something went very very wrong, causing these celestial partners to be ripped away from each other ? Is it possible that something sinister occured? Who was the reptile 🐍 that accessed the divine feminine?

As the twin flames who have connected in the celestial realms, have come together in dimensional union , they are doing work on the many dimensions to correct the timeline rips and restore time through the galexies. They are repairing the 🧬 dna damage and mutations that have been done to tear them apart.

This process is the work of the Gods. As it is a sacred work done through the heavens and then onto earth to assist the human collective to return to innocence.

Without duality between them, there would be no third energy . Which is what is created through the union. A perpetual push forward to cause ascending evolution from human into Superhuman.

The celestial lovers who have ascended beyond the time matrix are now, the galactic heroes of the multiverses. They have done what none have before. The ultimate separation from one another for millennia. The decent Into darkness for the sake of the whole of humanity. The return to the source again. And finally, the decent back to earth, to assist the human collective.

All glory to the most high, 🙏🙏🙏

Divine honor to all ascended masters who have achieved this magnificent state of evolution. We know what it means for humanity 👁. 🙏🙏🙏. As the galexies cheer for those who graduate the paradox.

Ellen Redd/ Author
Twin Flame Oracle

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Spiritual Teacher & International Renowned Psychic Medium Ellen Redd