Twin Flame DNA activations

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TF DNA Activation

DNA Activations and the Twin Flames.🔥🔥
The true story of the Twin Flames begins earlier than humanity itself. As this planet was first designed to be a utopian existence where all could live in harmony and abundance.

But there were beings from another dimension, that interfered. And this the story begins….

The human being was originally a 12 strand DNA being, in which over the history of humanity, many manipulations to the being have occurred to disempower the soul.

This was done, to split the twin flames apart.
And to siphon the energy of the two.
Causing great suffering for the souls on planet earth. It began as early as the story of the garden of eden (much of which has been distorted and falsified to keep humanity from its own knowledge and power).

Many luciferian reverse programs were designed to keep the two perpetually apart and distorted as to allow other entities to manipulate and feed on the soul. This has caused humanity to be in endless reincarnation cycles, repeating insanity and suffering like a hamster in a wheel. The soul, deeply in chains, and not knowing how to escape.

This 3D matrix programming has held the consciousness of the souls in a state of imprisonment for eons. Many humans do not see this, and do not understand their own suffering even.

The work of the twin flames has been painstaking and gruesome to put it lightly. To heal and restore the original DNA blueprint and to correct thousands of years of false programming.

So long as the twin flames are split apart, suffering on planet earth will continue. Only the union of the twin flame, is not what you think. It is noreso, a union of the self, and of the repairing the DNA splitting that was done so long ago. (Don’t you wonder why they call it “junk DNA”? Do you really believe the almighty creator would make such a gross error? )

Awaken your soul initiates. This journey is about saving yourself. It is about your soul. It is about ending reincarnation cycles and becoming the seed of GOD that you were born to be!!

The twin flames who have pioneered through this process, and carved a path through the matrix, are now here to lead the way. This has never been done on all of history at the levels it is today.
As we embark of the days of enlightenment and hold the torch for those who still cannot see.

Do not mistake the twin flame journey, to be a romantic love affair. Although in some ways, it is the most cosmic and galactic love story imaginable!!! However, the work is most vital now. To combat the dark forces that have held humanity in suffering for so long.

The souls must use their free will to choose which path they will be on. And this is a critical time for this decision as we are literally experiencing the split between the 3D earth paradigm, and the new earth paradigm- which will leave many souls, repeating a 4,000 year cycle in old ways, and to get even worse than we have seen.
The new earth ascended beings, will rose into a higher frequency state and ascend to new earth.

Now is the time, to peel away your false beliefs. Now is the time to look deep inside at your soul.
Do not chase love and lay around empty and depleted for that is a reverse program that is meant to siphon your essence. Get up and find where you have left pieces of your soul. It is only then, that you discover your lost self, that you will also discover your twin.

Ellen Redd

Copyright: Ellen Redd (all copyrights reserved)

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Spiritual Teacher & International Renowned Psychic Medium Ellen Redd