Holy Union

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Holy Union

Holy union:

When a soul walks through the portals of illumination and EMBODIES their Christed template, they will be then joined, with not only heaven, but all the promises of heaven too.

Gnosis is the path to illumination, and therefore to heaven. It is on this heaven that one discovers their beloved God mate. The pair, having both been Christed into King/Queenhood, can begin to dance in the intoxicating elixir of the magnetic love in which led them to discover their selves. Without gnosis this isnt be possible. For one must first discover the secret mysteries to know their quantum design.

Twin Flames are most assuredly a God centered connection that spans beyond space and time. As they were paired in the heavens long before the earth was formed. They were alchemically married before the split that led them into lifetimes of suffering in search of each other.

As they begin to join again, on the earth plane, they are often tried in so many ways. As the forces that created the split, have worked endlessly to ensure that they do not join again.

Those that are coming together now (even on 5D) have broken through these chains and reclaimed the holy throne in which always belonged to them.

The unions are causing expansive ripples in the entire cosmic multiverse. For it is these brave souls, who are laying their own lives down to serve in the path of the prime creator, that are here to change the world. And they ARE!

If you are not joined in 3D with your counterpart, do not worry. You are asked to work on staying in the vibration of unity consciousness. It is on this frequency, that you will be able to serve which is part of your mission now. Unions are already happening. And will happen for you in your own divine time. Never give up. Many divine pairs are serving the light on different parts of the world and cannot be in union on the 3D yet due to many things that are occurring in the great awakening. Works have to be done. And they are being used to anchor the unconditional love into the grid, even from many miles apart.

Many divine blessings. 🙏💖🙏

All glory be to Prime creator 💥💥💥✨🙏💖

Ellen Redd / Melkizadek Priestess


Spiritual Teacher & Psychic Medium Ellen Redd

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Spiritual Teacher & International Renowned Psychic Medium Ellen Redd