Lord Yeshua and Mary Magdeline

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Mary Magdeline and Lord Yeshua were indeed Divine Twin Flames.

They have initiated me in 2008, and began working with me in anchoring in the sacred God codes, to assist humanity with.

My twin flame and I, were guided in the higher dimensions, to protect the sacred keys, as we are keepers of the codes, and here on a holy mission to assist the collective, but only for the souls who are ready. šŸ‘ not all are. I have worked directly with Mary Magdeline and Lord Yeshua for many many years. The earthly ways, have distorted so much.

As you can see with their story, the crucifixion of the bearers of light, has long occured on the planet, and is also in full force today. And just as many have taken the krystic teachings and perverted them over the many thousands of years, they do again now. Perverting and contorting the wisdom as they are not coded and do not understand things from the other worlds.

The true divine Twin flames are here from the higher dimensions, incarnated light beings, and wayshowers. Not just some earthly version of 3d love.

As with the story of Jesus and Mary Magdeline, the assaults against the duo, have been ongoing and vicious. The twin flames have a need above all else to protect their sacred union and divine soul.

As a twin flame, my dury is first to God, second to my soul/my twin flame, and thirdly to humanity. I do not intend for all beings to understand me, as many souls are still not ready for this kind of ancient teachings, and would not value it.

We are here to assist. But more importantly to protect the sacred keys, so they do not fall in the hands of the wrong beings. Once a soul is truly open and ready, they will be able to be shown.

If you are not doing the sacred soul work, and working towards ascension, you are not on the twin flame path. They are in fact one in the same. You cannot have to union with a twin flame and not also have union with God. This is a new cage false light lie, that will have you spinning for decades on dilutions as your soul energy is looshed.

Ascension and spiritual work are the path to union.


Spiritual Teacher & International Renowned Psychic Medium Ellen Redd