Ascended Master Heirogomous Twin Flames

The divine union of the sacred twin Flames occurs in all dimensions through the labor of love and heirogomous works that the twin flames do through both ascenacion, returning to source, and activating all of the sacred keys to the higher dimensions. Something which must be done on a soul level in order for Gods grace to approve of their holy union.

The preparation to achieve such a glorious union, was a painstaking journey through millennia of separation, lifetimes of crossing paths and missing each other, millions of years of soul evolution to remember the celestial codes required for holy union.

The 12 Dimensional ascended master twin flames are not like other humans. They have transcended the human mortal world and all that it represents and restored the holy codex of the celestial realms to achieve an enlightened state of being on the eyes of the prime creator. It is on this laborious journey and final resting place that they find themselves bowing in the front of God, that they then are given the entry to the mystery school teachings. It is here, after ascending back to God, that the twin flames journey, truly begins. A journey that then will take them through sacred ceremonials on the 5th dimension and higher to learn of all the ancient mysteries hidden from the human eyes.

Ellen Redd/ Twin Flame & Ascension Guide


Spiritual Teacher & International Renowned Psychic Medium Ellen Redd

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