The wounded Masculine

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Divine Masculine vs Wounded Masculine:

The wounded masculine is riddled with spiritual infections. He will play tit for tat games instead of accepting his failures and rising above them. He will be constantly quick to point out your failures instead of seeking to resolve the conflicts. The wounded masculine has not learned to rise above his own childhood and is not yet capable of true love. He will lie, cheat, accuse the feminine of his own wrong doings, and he will even resort to fighting, violence and oppression to Force his way onto his mate. He fears love because all he has seen is betrayal. But further more he betrays his own heart. None will feel or be safe in his presence as he wears many masks.

The divine masculine on the other hand, has taken responsibility for his own suffering. He has made peace with his past, and chosen to become the best version of himself to end the suffering that he endured and to step into his role of protector. He is wise and has seen even forgiveness for those who have harmed him. He loves for love and os not afraid to show it. He chooses to live by a higher honor code system that most assuredly includes the most high. And because of this he has become empowered, and one that many feel safe on his presence. Everything he says and does drips with truth and delight. He will around your senses that were dormant long ago. He moves wwith magic bursting out of him from his fingers to his toes. He speaks with elegance and strength. He honors others because he honors his own soul.

The wounded masculine needs help the most and os the one who is the least likely to seek is. The women who dare bare the wombs to him will surely suffer . It is best too wait for one who is worthy as the divine masculine will come when he knows she is truly ready. He waits in the background like a wolf, watching and witnessing. He knows her every move and trusts then only when she herself decides what she really wants, can he fully enter into her kingdom.

~Ellen Redd/Twin Flame Oracle

Artist unknown


Spiritual Teacher & International Renowned Psychic Medium Ellen Redd