Twin Flame Dragon Lineage

Twin flames:

The twin flames, are ancient lovers, that existed, long before the earths creation. They are beings that are guarded by the dragon races, and serve the highest order , of the cosmic laws.

These specific souls, come from the angelic realms, and have already lived on other planetary systems for eons. They often have also lived many lifetimes on the earth plane, to anchor in specific roles and codes, to help weave the light into the darkness, that has blanketed humanity.

Twin flames, are also galactic warriors- who have been selected by the divine creator at this time , to come into human form, and assist the human collective in the many laters of suffering that are plaguing the sacred souls that belong to the almighty creator. Not all souls are chosen to come to earth, and some souls even chose to work against the divine plan of love and salvation.

Also, not all souls are chosen and contracted to have the twin flame experience. This should not cause you to be disheartened. If you’re soul chose to live your incarnation, with a soul mate or even alone, you must trust, that this too, is equally holy and equally desired by the divine to assist you in some lesson, and to serve your own mission. However, all souls are most assuredly made for love and with love in the design with a twin flame. Even if they do not unite in this lifetime. We are here to remind you, that UNION begins WITHIN. The journey of the twin flame, is about uniting with your own soul. And we encourage all of you now, to focus your energy on balancing your own inner being. As it is most assuredly the way hone.

All souls on the earth plane now are playing certain roles. The twin flames come, to remind humanity, of their worthiness of LOVE. To remind you, that YOU ARE WORTHY. And you ARE loved. As you connect with your soul, you will also connect woth your beloved. It is there that your work must be done.

It is the divine blueprint and the true essence of your soul, that you are made in love. In this image, is an energetic coding, that we wish to imprint upon you, to allow yourself to feel the resonance .

We ask that you continue to find within your own soul, the things that need healing and transmutation, in that you will no longer block the love you are made of, from coming through to you.

This love is of the highest order. This love supports you in ALL that you are doing, including if you are married to another. This love is unconditional, and waiting to flow to you, as you open up your soul, and allow it to heal, all that ails you.

Blessings to you all , in this now moment. And in every now moment. 🌛🪐🌏🌓🌞🌜⚡️

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If you aren’t sure where to begin, feel free to schedule a PRIVATE, ONE on ONE session. Where I can asses your merkabah, scan your light body, detect any imbalances in your masculine feminine twin flame template, and guide you deeper, into the love of your own soul, where all divine blessings await you.

~Ellen Redd

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Spiritual Teacher & International Renowned Psychic Medium Ellen Redd

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