Twin Flame Dragon Slayers

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Let us set aside the sugar plums and gumdrops. The hallmark fairytale ideals around twin flames, and discuss the soul mission in which they are on the earth for during this imperative time of the Amenti rescue mission. ✨✨✨👁

The Solar Flames from the Gender Twin Monad are finally reuniting on the earth, after Eons of time in battling the children of the Serpent who have prevented their holy union.

Many in the world now are hearing about the twin Flame Initiates, and resonating with their story. As it is a cosmic event for the two to join as one in the time of the great awakening. Some of these souls are so advanced spiritually that they have already returned to source , been fully restored and returned with the mystical keys to the book of eternal life.

The serpent beings have had control over the earth and the children of the sun for thousands of years. Only now, some of the greatest warriors in all of the cosmos have come in and taken flesh bodies and joined in harmonious union with their counterparts (energetically) and can slide under the radar of many serpent souls who cannot see the frequency of the solar activated Twin Souls who are hiding together in one flesh.

These grand masters of the esoteric realms are now turning the tables on the children of the serpent. They are here to cut the heads off the beast that has spawned its seed into the hearts of many. 🐍

When you understand that twin flames are not what you think they are, but rather a soul with two aspects inside of one, you will begin to see through the illusion of the many who pretend so that they can access your light.

The gender twins who are incarnate on the earth now, will not look as you think they will. They will not be sitting in matching pajamas on Christmas Day, or in glamour shot selfies to be explored on the internet.

They will be energetically felt and seen by their works. Do not look for two. Look for one who has the balance of the two. Feel the energy of the soul you encounter. Do they have the wisdom of the cosmos? This is how you will know. They will show you by leading you home to the source. Away from the grasp of the serpent. Are you ready to be liberated from your suffering? Are you ready to recieve the blessings of heaven? Which master will you serve? The time has come to find your way out of darkness. The Solar twins are leading the way. The ascended masters who have already returned to source and been granted eternal life. Can you see they know the way?

It is time for humanity to be free from the suffering. Return to innocence.

~Ellen Redd/Twin Flame & Ascension Guide

I am hosting a new class for the Angel Anatomy workshop starting in March. If you are interested in joining to learn of your 12 chakra system and to hemp balance your masculine feminine template, please inquire privately .


Spiritual Teacher & International Renowned Psychic Medium Ellen Redd