Twin Flame Journey & Celibacy

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The Twin Flame Journey

Many gurus, ascended masters, enlightened souls, and even twin flames, will and have spent years, decades and sometimes lifetimes practicing celibacy, to heal their deep rooted wounds. The fastest way to clear lifetimes of soul trauma, soul loss, soul fragmentation and soul imprints from toxic mates, toxic lives, false programs and reincarnation cycles, is through celibacy.

The new age wanna be woke crowd will know nothing of this ancient wisdom. As they like many other groups, throw around some fancy spiritual terms and use them as lures to hook their next bed mate. But in truth, they are just RE perpetuating the same old cycles of suffering. They will call it sex “magic” or healing kundalini when in fact they are misusing the terms and contorting them to fit their third density version of what they deem to be “spiritual” as opposed to truly having the wisdom encoded in them through enlightenment. These same types throw loosely the terms “divine “ feminine or masculine as though they know yet what the cost for that title to the throne really is. They know not what they speak of. For divinity comes with the price of your life. And until one has given that, to the holy order, they will know nothing on these subjects. Be extremely wary of the false light fallen matrix system even on your spiritual quest. As even the new age movement has been hijacked by the false light agents and their slippery lies.

The ascended masters, simply walk their talk. And it’s a walk, very few have the grit to endure. The path of celibacy is part of a holy order to clear these old and deeply damaging imprints. Many twin flames even practice this during the purification stages of their holy union. As some will not unite in this lifetime (even if energetically and spiritually they have been paired) and will be remaining committed to the holy matrimony of life and in death.

I am the living embodiement of the purification path. And am here to tell you, that if you think you can clear these things on one instantaneous healing session woth crystals and a shaman, you are likely suffering from dilutions. This work is the work that Christ and Mary Magdeline merely started all those thousands of years ago. That was part of the begining. And certainly not the end.

They too, are here working with the coded twin flames, in this continued work to restore the soul blueprint for humanity. As many twin flames will be doing for thousands of years to come. If you aren’t prepared in soul for the endurance training and the long haul that this journey is truly about, then it’s probably best that you sit down and allow the souls who are here pulling the weight, to have the room they need to change the world.

Ellen Redd / Melkizadek Priestess

Spiritual Teacher & Psychic Medium Ellen Redd

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Spiritual Teacher & International Renowned Psychic Medium Ellen Redd